Our Church Service on August 28 will take place at 4734 Samish Point Rd, Bow WA 98232 at 11 am

This Jesus, Both Lord and Christ - The Book of Acts - Acts 2:22-41

May 5, 2024    Andrey Bulanov


1. Jesus is the Risen Messiah

2. Jesus is the Exalted Lord

3. Run to Jesus and be saved!


• Has there ever been a moment of realization in your life that you need Jesus, and you've been missing it all along?

• As a christian, do you continue to live with the CLARITY that there is really only one thing this world needs? And there's really only one thing that is important in YOUR life?

◦ Knowing and following Jesus as the risen and exalted King.

◦ We come to his table, to the celebration of his victory - do we understand what we are celebrating and do we live in such a way that it is clear?

Scripture references:

• Acts 2:22-41

• John 3:1-2

• Mark 12:35-37