Our Church Service on August 28 will take place at 4734 Samish Point Rd, Bow WA 98232 at 11 am

Be a Bold Gospel Witness - The Book of Acts - Acts 9:32-43

Aug 18, 2024    Josh Ausfahl

Be a Bold Gospel Witness!

Acts 9:32-43

Principle #1: Be a bold gospel witness by going not


• The witnessing by the apostles in Jerusalem

has been great

• The witnessing by the apostles in Judea &

Samaria was slow out the gate

• The witnessing by Peter from place to place


Principle #2: Be a bold gospel witness through

sickness and healing

• Peter came down to Lydda

• Jesus heals Aeneas

• Aeneas becomes a witness for Jesus

Principle #3: Be a bold gospel witness through death

and resurrection

• Tabitha dies in Joppa

• Peter is called to Joppa

• Jesus heals Tabitha

• Tabitha becomes a witness for Jesus


1. What prevents you from going and being a bold

gospel witness? Is it a desire to stay near the

comfortable? Do you rationalize that there is too

much to do where you are at instead of obeying

the command of God?

2. What is your perspective when you become

sick? Do you complain, mope, and focus on your

misery like the world does or find an

opportunity to be a bold witness by leaning on

the everlasting arms?

3. How do you need to change your prayer list

from requests for God to heal people to people

being a bold gospel witness for God in their


4. How can you be a bold gospel witness right now

for the healing you and others have recently


5. How will you grieve differently when one of our

saints graduates to glory so you can be a bold

gospel witness even in other’s death?