Our Church Service on August 28 will take place at 4734 Samish Point Rd, Bow WA 98232 at 11 am

I Am Not Ashamed

Nov 6, 2022    Scott

Romans 1:16-17 (NASB)



The Gospel = Good News!

The Gospel is NOT the entire Bible

The Gospel is designed to save lost souls


1 Corinthians 15:1-8 (NASB)


The Gospel only has 2 essential elements:

Christ Died for my sins - as evidenced by the fact He was buried

Christ Rose from the dead - as evidenced by many who witnessed Him


Paul was not ashamed of the gospel because it is the POWER of God!

   There is nothing else that can offer salvation - 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 and 

   1 Corinthians 1:18; 22-24 (NASB) 


II. Paul was not ashamed of the gospel because of it’s ability to save anyone!

  A. It is true that there is only one road to heaven

    -Acts 4:12 (NASB)

    -John 14:6 (NASB)


  B. Paul was focused on the fact that the gospel has the power to save 


    -“Jews and Greeks”= everybody!

    - religious and irreligious, male and female, old and young, rich and poor.

     slaves and slave owners, educated or illiterate!

    -1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (NASB)


  C. Revelation 7:9 offers a beautiful picture of the diversity of God’s 


III. Paul was not ashamed of the gospel because it is founded upon God’s 

   righteousness, NOT self righteousness!


   A. We can be glad that our salvation doesn’t depend on our ever-changing 

     personal righteousness

   B. The gospel reveals God’s righteousness by faith

     1. From “faith to faith” means by faith from start to finish

     2. God is righteous in declaring guilty sinners NOT GUILTY and worthy 

       of eternal life because of their faith in the perfect and unchanging

       righteousness of their Savior, Jesus Christ!   


Romans 5:6-10 (NASB)


   C. Biblical Christianity is unique from other faiths because our salvation does 

     NOT depend upon what we have done for God, BUT on what He has 

     done for us!

     -Romans 4:5 (NASB)

     -Titus 3:5 (NASB)

     -Ephesians 2:8-9 (NASB)


Jesus paid a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay!

                  THAT’S GOOD NEWS!!