Our Church Service on August 28 will take place at 4734 Samish Point Rd, Bow WA 98232 at 11 am

Shepherds - Profiles in Christmas - Luke 2:8-20

Dec 24, 2023    Andrey Bulanov

Main points:

1. The humble audience of the most glorious concert.

2. The shepherds are told that God has come to bring them salvation.

3. The shepherds respond to the invitation of heaven, and their hearts are forever changed.


- Has it ever really hit your heart that Jesus came for YOU?

- Have you ever come to a deep grasp of your desperate need for salvation? To receive the Savior is to turn from your sins and believe in him, the invitation stands today!

- What is your joy and peace anchored in today? Are you learning to identify false saviors and root your sense of peace in what God has done in Christ for you?

Scripture Passages:

Luke 2:1-20

Isaiah 59:2-3

Isaiah 1:18-19