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Let the Future Guide Your Present - The Letter of James - James 1:9-11

Apr 2, 2023    Victor Kuksenko

Open with me to James 1:9-11

Imagine a family that is on a road trip gone wrong.

In our Christian life, money and possessions bring with it huge Trials

• It is a daily factor in our life, which shapes how we build our life.

• The topic of money and wealth is so important that Jesus spoke about money more than about any other practical topic.

We need a constant reminder and teaching how we are to stand firm in this Trial of life.

• We need wisdom not to get stuck on building a life that is ultimately crumble over night.

• We need Jesus to save us from lusts of this world.

• We need the Holy Spirit to drive our hearts with a focus of eternity.

This is why James brings this topic up in v. 9-11

• in v. 2-4 - James starts out telling us that TRIALS have a purpose in our lives from God, they are there to MATURE us.

• then we should ask "that is great but when challenges do come what should we do?" James answers it in v. 5-8 saying "ask God for wisdom". In the midst of life we need to walk through life in the fear of the Lord.

• Now James is saying let me give you an example of a trial where we need to be wise in, so that in that we grow into maturity.

◦ That is where we to the topic of poverty and wealth.

Read with me James 1:9-11

• We notice two kinds of people here, and they are contrasted against one another. Yet, both of them are to look to the future.

• The first person is a "Brother of humble circumstances"

◦ In other words this is a believer who is poor. This doesn't mean he is dying from hunger, but rather this person cannot afford a lot of things in his life. He is a simple person, with a simple job, at times having difficulty providing fully for his family, and at times having enough.

• The second person is "a rich person" who has wealth. This person doesn't have problems providing for his family, he is sufficient in life. Yet, he is busy working and making money. This person can afford many things in his life, there is luxury and influence. He is important and noticeable.

◦ Most of the text is weighed on the rich person.

• The idea here is that wealth and money is a trial for both kinds of people, and both need to do something about it.

• Both are to look to the future, which should drive the present.

◦ The poor person is to keep in mind future exaltation, that there will come a time when you enter into heaven and you will have so much more than this world can offer.

◦ The rich person is also is keep in view his end. He will die and his possession will die with him.

• James is calling all of us, as we are living in this world, and using money and building our lives, we are to look beyond ourselves.

◦ To have an eternal perspective on every decision and goal. 

◦ Material life is not all there is. There is something way greater awaiting for those who trust in Jesus.

◘ All of this world is nothing in comparison to eternity.

◘ That eternity is given to us by grace in the blood of Jesus. That is what should shape our spending and living.

◘ That guarantees our future, money does not.

◘ Money does not go beyond death. But the death of Jesus covers us for eternity.

I. Death is inevitable and Life after death is a sure reality 

This is the basis of our text. - that is why he naturally goes to v. 12

• If you don't believe that there is anything after death, then why prevent yourself from splurging with everything that this world provides?

◦ The mantra of this world: life is too short, eat and drink for tomorrow we will die and that is all.

• Yet, even if you don't believe in God, you still long to live for eternity, you still see death as something unnatural to us.

◦ That is why people consider themselves "spiritual" because they know that death is not the end.

◦ And in a world of evil, brokenness and sin, we realize that all of that is not normal. We want the world to be beautiful, purposeful, and peaceful. Where love rains.

◦ We may construct our own perspective on afterlife, with no basis what soever, but simply what we long for in our hearts.

But the Bible is very clear.

• God created this world to be a beautiful place, full of joy, beauty and love.

• But we decided not to obey God, to live however we want, and in the process we brought about curse upon ourselves.

◦ This is what we call: SIN.

◦ It broke the world, and because God is loving and just, he needs to take care of this problem.

• God did not give up on us, because he loves us, he says I will restore this world by sending a Savior.

◦ He cannot just throw away sin from this world, because sin became part of us, who we are. And to destroy sin he needs to destroy us.

• That is why God sent his only Son. Jesus takes all sin and evil upon himself, and nails it on the cross.

◦ He pays for our sin with his own death. He experiences hell for us.

◦ God the Father approved his payment for us by raising him from the dead. Jesus paid in full. Now he announces to everyone: repent and believe in me and you will be saved.

Peter emphasizes this amazing reality by saying: "because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you" - 1 Peter 1:3-4

• We have hope for the future.

• In this broken world, Jesus is with us by his Spirit guiding us towards heaven.

• And not only do we escape hell by his blood but we are awaiting heaven.

◦ An inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled and fading for us.

That is why we should ask ourselves: where will you be when you die?

• The Father has done everything for us to be with him in paradise. He loves us, and cares for us.

• You don't "serve" God to get your way into heaven, because your good works are not enough.

Brothers and Sister, we have a glorious Savior!

• Don't lose sight of what is to come. It is a sure reality.

◦ It will come, either by us dying or when Jesus comes back with his army to take us home!

◦ Jesus will say, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." - Matthew 25:34


With that glorious reality

II. Those in humble circumstances glory in your future exaltation (v. 9)

He tells him to "boast in his exaltation"

Glory in what is to come for you. That reality should shape how you respond to your humble circumstance.

Obviously, the conditions that these Christians were in are probably much more difficult and worse than any of us here. Our problems don't really measure up. But this truth speaks to us as well.

• We do find ourselves in difficult financial situations. Some of us may not make a lot of money in comparison to others.

• Especially, in order to live normally in America, you need a certain budget and some may not measure up to that.

◦ If you are in a financial need, and have a hard time making ends meet, you need to look beyond this life into the life to come.

• For Christians in that circumstance, what can happen when you see your difficult condition in comparison to others?

◦ You can become bitter about your life, and why is your life the way it is.

◦ You may complain about your husband not making enough or not working hard.

◦ With people posting their perfect lives on social media, it may seem depressing to not measure up.

◘ At some point it seems like "everyone is on vacation, except us"

◦ You may lose joy, and ability to help those in need

◦ You start getting into credit or work extra long hours to get to that normal life.

But is that normal? Often we don't even question that. That is not normal.

• It is not enough to say we need to just be content with what we have, but why?

◦ Or to say "we should not complain", or "we will be ok". Something needs to give you peace among this raging sea of emotions. Something stable, and certain. 

◦ That something is Jesus and his Kingdom

•.Notice he is not saying to the poor person to pray for money, or for things. (Like praying for a car).

◦ Or for that person to try harder, and think strategically.

• But rather look to the future. Let the future guide your present!

Your filthy worn out rags will be changed to kingly robes made by God himself.

• Your situation does not define you, you are a child of the King.

◦ Don't simmer in your disappointment

◦ Don't be quietly dissatisfied with your life

◦ Don't think of yourself as a failure that you can't make ends meet.

Look to the Lord, who made a way for you to be exalted, not with what you have done or earned but by His work on the cross for you.


III. Those in poverty keep your end in view (v. 10-11)

James commands this person to "boast in his humiliation because he will pass away like a flower of the field"

• There is some irony in the text to the rich person boasting.

◦ Because often the rich may boast in in their riches. But here he is telling them to boast in their "humiliation"

◦ It's like saying "be happy that you lost your beautiful house"

In reality, wealth, money and possessions can cloud eye minds and eyes to what truly matters.

• Proverbs 18:11 "The wealth of the rich is his fortified city; in his imagination it is like a high wall"

• Jesus does say it is hard for the rich person to enter heaven.


Because with money you have opportunity, security, power, beauty and prosperity.

• Money is not evil in itself, but money gives our hearts a highway for all sorts of evil.

We are all in this category as well. If you have a single dollar, that can trap your heart and grow!

• What happens if all of the other things in our life starts to revolve around our stuff, around our image, around our leisure activities, around our selves enjoying life?

◦ What James is telling us, that circumstances change, and you lose it all, will you praise the Lord?

• We may say we are not materialistic, but if you lose something valuable is your heart not able to find it's peace in God?

Reality check, we are all materialistic! - We all need to repent. It may look very different to each person. But our hearts get tied to whatever that is.

• We become proud and arrogant.

• We may focus a lot of energy into our jobs, businesses, various deals and never commit to God's mission.

◦ We lose sight of God's Kingdom.

• We may comfort our hearts by pointing to hard work, discipline, even giving money to church.

◦ But who do you actually serve?

◦ Do you see yourself above others?

◦ Do you feel like God has to love you because you are doing so much good?

Jesus said a similar parable, where the rich man worked hard to enjoy life, and he said to himself "You have many goods stores up for many years. Take it easy; eat, drink and enjoy yourself. But God said to him 'You fool! This very night your life is demanded of you. And the things you have prepared - whose will they be?" (Luke 12:19-20)

• Do my possessions hold my heart???

◦ Ask yourself!

James points to the sun with the scorching wind, and comes upon the flower.

• He is probably referring to "sirocco winds" - that are very common in the Mediterranean coast.

◦ It's a hot dust laden wind that blows from the desert in a cyclonic fashion.

◦ It destroys all plants in it's path.

That is death to the rich person!

• It dries up the grass around it, The flower falls off, Its beautiful appearance perishes.

This flower did not stand a chance. The person pursuing his stuff and wealth does not stand a chance against death!

Money is never secure no matter where you put it.

• Stocks are falling

• Bitcoin is uncertain.

• Gold can be lost or stolen.

• Banks lose money

Never put your confidence in money

You may lose a lot in life, your health, your business, your abilities, your house and more.

This life will pass, it is transient, it is sudden.

• You may life your life, and then all of a sudden you die and stand before the king of Kings.

• We need to redeem the time, realizing the allure of this world is strong.

◦ Look into the future, have an eternal perspective! Don't worship this world


In conclusion, weather you have riches, money or possession or may live very humbly. Both circumstances require us to look beyond this life.

• All of it is a trial.

I want to finish with Proverb 30:7-9

"Two things I ask of you: Don't deny them to me before I die:

Keep falsehood and deceitful words far from me.

Give me neither poverty nor wealth; feed me with the food I need.

Otherwise I might have too much and deny you, saying "What is the Lord?"

or I might have nothing and steal, profaning the name of the Lord"