Our Church Service on August 28 will take place at 4734 Samish Point Rd, Bow WA 98232 at 11 am

God Became Man

Dec 5, 2021    Victor Kuksenko

Text: Philippians 2:1-10
Key Points:

• I. The infinite Giving of Christ (6-8)
○ Jesus became a human being
∙ Jesus is fully God
∙ Jesus emptied himself
○ Jesus Died on the cross
∙ Jesus felt pain for us
∙ Jesus experienced shame for us
∙ Jesus was accused for us
• II. We are to adopt the same attitude as that of Christ (3-5)
○ 1. Do nothing out of selfish ambition (selfishness) or conceit (pride)
○ 2. Consider others as more important than yourself
○ 3. Look for the interest of others